Michael Jackson Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Revived by Appeals Court

Michael Jackson

The sexual abuse lawsuits against Michael Jackson have been revived by a California appeals court. These lawsuits were filed by two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who accused Jackson of sexually abusing them when they were children. Both men shared their stories in the 2019 HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland.” The recent decision by the 2nd District Court of Appeal has reversed the previous dismissals of these lawsuits, allowing them to be reconsidered.

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Details About the Lawsuits:

Background of Michael Jackson Lawsuits:

Wade Robson and James Safechuck accused Michael Jackson of sexually abusing them for several years during their childhood. Their allegations gained significant attention after they were featured in the HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland.”

The lawsuits had previously been dismissed by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge. However, the 2nd District Court of Appeal has now reversed this decision, bringing the cases back into consideration.

Legal Implications:

The appeals court found that the two Jackson-owned corporations, MJJ Productions Inc. and MJJ Ventures Inc., named as defendants in the cases, had a responsibility to protect Robson and Safechuck. This decision was influenced by a new California law that temporarily expanded the scope of sexual abuse cases.

The court emphasized that a corporation facilitating child abuse is not exempt from the duty to protect children, even if it’s solely owned by the alleged perpetrator.

Reactions from Both Sides

Jonathan Steinsapir, representing the Jackson estate, expressed disappointment with the decision. He reiterated their belief in Jackson’s innocence and suggested that the allegations were motivated by financial gain.

Vince Finaldi, the attorney for Robson and Safechuck, welcomed the court’s decision. He highlighted the importance of the ruling in setting a precedent for child protection.

Looking Ahead

The allegations’ truth has not been ruled on by the judges. The focus of a forthcoming jury trial in Los Angeles will be to determine the veracity of the claims made by Robson and Safechuck.

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